The odds are stacked against us

OC: Postdated for the 30th WC:3+


The child was still fuming over the stupid male. Her father had told her that she was in the wrong for telling him that he was a stupid air head boy. She was very upset and mad that she was the one that got yelled at, to the point she would not talk to her father, she would glare nod or shake her head but talking to him was not something she would do.

The child wanted to prove that it wasn’t her who was the bad egg. It was the boy, and not her. Though she wasn’t going to find the male, she was going to do everything in her power to stay away from him. Though if by some odd chance she did run into him, she would not be rude unless he gave her a reason, then it would be right back to where she was before her father came and pulled Liam off of her.

Juliet Moonsong had her nose to the ground as she made her way to her favorite hunt and that was the flower field, she loved that little area. She was sure her mother and father wouldn’t understand but a flower was a flower they had the ways that they needed to grow and the child wanted to learn all about these ways. She knew come next spring if her mother and father would let her she would be staying here most of the time learning about them, seeing what makes them grow and cleaning out the weeds from the garden. She would learn the name of each little flower and if there was a new one she would name them after her family starting with one named after her sister. Then she would name one after her mother and then father and then starting down the ones that she loves. She would name the weeds after Liam. She did not like him what so ever.

The child paws feet the welcoming feel of the dirt from the flowers, she smiled as she laid down at the front of the path, nuzzling her nose into the last of the summer flowers, as the fall flowers where starting to bloom.


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