Save Me My Friend
Forward Dated to October 17, 2011

It was all she could bear from that point on, being a prisoner to her family’s will would be better than all of this. She failed at having a home, failed at love, failed at anything she was trying to do. Her mind was exhausted and losing war to a monster that wished to release itself upon the world. She knew her real family might be able to help, might be able to help her overcome this fury that the outside world had brought her. It would be the most disgrace she had set upon herself but maybe she would be safe and would just get to continue on with her life. Even if it meant giving up the one thing she loved to become nothing but a bloodline to pass forth.

It would be great to see her uncle, her father, her guard… her guard was the one she seemed to think of often. She dug her heels into Jager’s sides hoping to drive him forward faster. She did not know what she would do with him, the idea of taking him home seemed risky as her pack rarely had any animals unless it was for food. The simple life of her homeland almost seemed promising after all this. She knew she was near; the mountains were finally in her sights. She refused to weep, refused to show any emotion she just wanted to leave these lands and become nothing but a short tale. Where people would say, “do you remember her?” And the response would be bland and short.

She wanted to be so much more, wanted to become everything she wanted to be freely. That would not happen now, not like this. She slowed Jager to a steady trot as a stream became apparent at the base of the mountains. Her horse needed rest and maybe it was wise she drank as well. She started to drink from her palm but caught a gaze at herself. Her eyes weren’t as bright as they usually were, her markings fading as she had not redone them for a while, her arms and body were well defined from the work she had put into her body. She thought she had bulged out into a muscular beast but found she was still slender and feminine, her body to the touch was firm though. Her long hair was wild so she attempted to brush it through with her fingers catching at knots with every stroke. She gave up and just stared at herself for a long while.

Finally she slapped the water. You disgust me you coward! You quitter! It was how she saw herself since leaving her mate in such a sudden haste. She felt her body wrack into a gasping weep. She dropped to her bottom from the kneeling stance she had taken and silently wept into her hands. What went wrong to make her life so miserable? She had kept asking herself. She did not have answers and her loneliness in all of this just fed the anger and the rage. She would be completely lost if she did not go home.

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