[J] Home,
She looked terrified, to say the very least. As he approached, and Hermes pranced to a stop, she got to her paws unsteadily. There were so many emotions racing round in his mind- severe joy and excitment that she was back, relief that she was okay and alive, a pang of longing for those mornings he had woken with her curled up against him. And then there was the anger, the hurt and the feeling of betrayal that she had even left in the first place. It was too much for him to deal with. Saul had never been the type to bottle his feelings up- he usually channelled any bad emotions into his run each morning. But this had caught him off guard. He was just getting used to Siku being gone, of living on his own once more. And here she was, in the living and breathing flesh. He had no idea what to say to her. How happy he was that she was back, or how mad he was that she had just upped and left him one night and hadn't come back for a good three months. Hermes, sensing his masters discomfort, walked forward and pressed his nose into the center of his back, a soft nicker of encouragement. Saul had been around the horse long enough to know that he was far more intelligent than they gave horses credit for.

Cinnamon backed ears flashed forward, a frown threatening to tug his lips down. Her voice bought back all of those memories, of tumbling in the snow with her back in Dahlia, playing and enjoying one anothers company. Of their first move into the cabin, their foraging for things to fill up their little home in. It bought up a wave of severe longing and he almost reached out for her. But she was in trouble and she damn well knew it. She stuttered and stumbled her way through and explanation, although Saul was shocked when she admitted that she'd been back to Dahlia. He missed his home from time to time and a nugget of jealousy threatened to make itself known. She'd been hiding in Dahlia for three months and she didnt think to tell him that this was where she was going? He allowed the frown to tug his lips down, noticing the books she held close to her chest, as if to block herself from him with the bound pages.

"I don't know what to say to you Siku. You left me and Wretch and everyone else in the dead of night. I searched for weeks and weeks to see if you'd been killed. I missed you so much..."

He stopped, feeling his voice crack. He wanted to let her know just how much she'd hurt him. But at the same time she needed to know that he had missed her a great deal and the longing he felt to tuck her against him once more was something that was new to him. Before, he had always stolen a hug or a cheeky kiss on the cheek as friends. They'd never even kissed properly, but there was something so innocent and intimate about waking up tucked around her that they were practically a couple. Of course, neither of them had ever admitted feelings and they had never shared a properly intimate moment, but it felt like it often.

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