Invocation Psychosomatic

WC:000+ - I thought I was the only person who did that x) <3

Caprica grimaced sympathetically at the mention of the bad meat, hoping it wasn't something she'd caught and stored badly, although she was pretty careful, so it was unlikely. It was nice how the pair obviously cared about one another, sharing glances at that clearly meant something to them but not to anybody looking on. Noticing this stabbed at her heart again, and brought a gloom back to her eyes. Seemed Panda had already noticed something. What was on her mind? Caprica hesitated, then stepped forward, kneeling down, not much further into the room, but not too far from the fire's heat either. She lowered her eyes and spoke, dragging the words out slowly. "I've been thinking lately. Or, maybe, feeling. That I'm missing something - someone - important... I wondered if there was some power, or magic, almost like religion - or luck - that could help me find it... them." Did she sound like a superstitious fool? She didn't even know what she meant, really. She could only hope that Panda did. "I just need to find someone who can be... good for me. Who I can be good for, too. Y'know?" She hesitated, but she wasn't afraid to admit her inner thoughts; she wasn't proud, or ashamed. "'Cause I'm starting to stop believing in a happy ending. Or even... a chance of a beginning." It had just been too long, and there was that deep sense of something missing. If Panda didn't know what she meant, no one would. Was turning to the gods out of reach? Because Caprica was starting to consider even that, cursed by Tak as she was.

Image courtesy of Ant Jackson@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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