Invocation Psychosomatic

Word Count → 405 :: lalala

And I don't want to kiss anyone but you.
I fucking love you.

It didn't seem that the woman knew what Panda was talking about. Panda was slightly confused that she was confused, but she quickly pushed the confusion away and she continued to roll her joint. To smoke, meaning, like inhaling smoke of an herb in your lungs. she spoke to the other woman, before she had licked the edge of the leaf and she rolled the joint up and she held it up to the woman. normally the herb is rolled up like this, or it could be put into a pipe, or a bong. Panda explained, and then she got up and she moved towards Venom and the fire. She then put the tip of the joint into the fire and then moved over to her seat and puffed on the joint. Inhaling the smoke, and holding her breath for a moment and then exhaling it through her nose. This is smoking. the woman spoke before she held out the joint to the woman, in case she wanted to try it.

Venom looked back at the lesson, wondering what they were doing. Venom had never known someone whom did not know what the act of smoking was, so it was weird to him that she did not know. Venom cocked his head back at the woman, and watched silently, and waiting for his turn to hit the joint, because Venom did know that he was part of the circle, and that Panda would not dare leave him out unless he was to say so, and since he did not say that he didn't want any, it was assumed that she assumed that he wanted some. Panda was not stupid enough to not know this, so she knew that the joint would go to him next, even if Caprica handed it back to her, or did not take it at all. Venom slowly looked back at the meat and he turned it on it's stake to it could be evenly cooked. He was silent still and he waited for the joint to be passed to him.

Panda looked back at Caprica and smiled lightly, feeling much better now that she had that puff of smoke. This herb is called Marijuana, it helps calm the nerves and take the edge off of things. Venom and I smoke this a lot, so it's not uncommon for you to smell it. she spoke, chuckling softly.

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image © Nat!


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