Invocation Psychosomatic

She had made something similar before, rolling dried herbs up and lighting them to bring scent to places but this was entirely different. She took the joint between careful forefingers, breathing in the scent from its tiny blaze before putting it to her lips. It did smell nice - and familiar, she'd certainly smelt this somewhere before - and tasted as good as it smelled. She was about to ask why smoke it at all, why not flavour food or just use it as incense - but then Panda explained the effects and Caprica realised that ingesting it in this way was a way to absorb the herb's properties, like how some people could give you herbs to eat that cured sickness. She had never heard of the smoke from a burning plant being inhaled before, though now she tried it, it seemed an obvious thing. Her second swallow of smoke seemed to go deeper than the first and she rasped a small cough before passing it over to Venom, noticing his expectant expression. She wondered if there were any other plants that could affect your mood - she always felt better when she burned herbs in her room, but she had always figured that was just because she liked the smell. Her head felt fuzzier now, but it wasn't entirely in a bad way. "It tastes of summer grass," she commented, remembering lying on soft banks and watching clouds, in an equally carefree mood. With her new charm, she could feel like this all the time, once more. "Got any more surprises up your sleeve for me?" she laughed. It had been quite an eye-opening day all told: she'd done a lot of growing up since she came to Anathema, learning about the world in ways she hadn't been able to as a child or a roaming loner.


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