[M] No Bones About It
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

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The weather was changing drastically. Ezekiel woke each morning to fog and a cold, bitter wind coming from the north. His pelt had already begun filling with the wolf-plush that came from his father’s bloodline. Gabriel’s absence was becoming less and less notable; Ezekiel had noticed his sister’s disappearance far more recently. Either she had taken up hiding somewhere in the emptiness of the Bay, or as he feared, she had gone after their father. This option settled in his gut sourly, and filled his mouth with bile.

Amber eyes scanned the horizon hawkishly, his weight cocked to one side. Above him the sky rolled a dull, listless bruise-colored purple-gray. The sunset, sinking into the ocean, turned the underside of the clouds pinkish orange. Had he any appreciation for beauty he might have admired such a view. Yet the Aquila’s focus was elsewhere, brooding on his sister and the preparations for winter he had yet to complete.

A yapping call drew his attention and with a frown, Ezekiel began heading in the direction of the call. He had been traveling more and more on his own two legs in order to allow Viggo to rest, though he had used the stolen horses for longer patrols. Red hands shifted the bowstring across his chest as he walked, moving swiftly towards the source of the call. To his surprise, a dark coyote with the familiar splash of red across his face met him. The scarred hybrid halted, amber eyes eyeballing the stranger coldly. “Yeah?”

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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