[M] No Bones About It
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

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Though they traveled in tandem, Ezekiel made sure to keep his own pace slightly faster than that of the newcomer. His leadership demanded such a thing; he was subtle in his ways as the wild things were. If he demanded respect, it would never come. Sirius would have understood—he recognized that the similarities within them would have driven them to war had they lived together. It was best he had not returned to Inferni after all.

The response was simple and one he was pleased by. Ezekiel grinned savagely. “Good,” he replied. Turning to follow a well-worn trail, the Aquila glanced back to the burnt-eyed coyote. “You’ll have lots of opportunity to do so here. All I ask is loyalty,” he added, teeth gleaming in the stormy evening. “Think you can handle that, Tirones?” A title, not a name; hierarchy within its subtle ways as he was learning was best.

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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