The savage in man is never
quite eradicated


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How sad it was that this beast of ruin could have been a mirror of Talitha, once. She was more base, more cruel—she did not know what it was to feel. Ezekiel did not envy her. If she was chosen by shadow, by darkness and those desperate places of the world, than she would forever be something both less and more than he was. “Inferni has our blood in it,” Ezekiel readily admitted, recognizing the similarities in her color with his own. How curious, that she would grow in such a manner. “Is that all you came for?”

Behind her, a breeze stirred and his ears twitched. He did not look. He knew what lingered in those woods.

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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