[M] Welcome to my world, hun ho[p]e you like it
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

He had a mate. The concept of this fact made him feel giddy and free. She didn't judge him on his past, even though he knew she worried about his wounds. Saxif could have killed him yet she hadn't. It bothered him but he didn't tell Sam because he didn't want her to worry about him. At the moment they were walking on to pack lands, Sam's otter in his arms, asleep. He had tried to put the small animal in the hood of her sweater but she would squeak and move till he held her and rubbed her stomach till she fell asleep again. Sam stayed close to him the whole time and they made it to Anathema boarders around the time it was becoming dark. He walked right in only to find Sam stopped at the boarders. She seemed scared. She was Ichika no Ho-en, not Anathema. He had told her during their time at the boarders of Ichika that nothing would go wrong with her going onto Anathema land, that she would be ok.

He walked back to her and finally was able to put her otter in her hood before cupping her face softly."Nothing is going to happen with you coming onto this land Sam. You are my mate. No one will ever hurt you while you are with me. I love you," he whispered pulling her to him and nuzzling her softly. They had a long way to go but together Rain felt nothing could tear them apart. He loved Sam with every ounce of his being. He would die to protect her and after a few minutes of nuzzling her and nipping her and kissing her he took her hand in his. "Come Sam. Come see my world." he whispered as his eyes glowed with his swelling love for her.

Tammi edit: Please remember to use the mature template for mature topics. Also, the [M] goes at the front of the title. Please review our mature topic procedures. Thanks!

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