Be Not Fearful

OOC here!

She had heard of this celebration before, but didn't know much details about it. Wretch had felt rather disconnected from things as of late, being more reclusive than ever. She often shut herself away from the world in her apartment, not answering the door if someone knocked and not going outside for days at a time, only emerging for these large group celebrations or meetings. Wretch only had a few select individuals that she enjoyed spending time with willingly, but she wanted to make it appear as if she were invested in things.

The girl did like to wander the lands and explore, charting things out on large slabs of paneling that she carried with her as she went...but she didn't often come across anyone else. The last canine that she'd gone to visit had been Jace. She wondered if the female had given birth yet and, if she had, how many children she'd had. Wretch had considered skipping the celebrations altogether but chose to alter her course at the last minute, heading for the group of canines that had gathered. She had brought nothing with her so she hung around the outskirts of the group, simply watching and observing with her arms crossed.

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Table image © me'nthedogs @ Flickr

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