Washed Ashore [joining]
Giuseppe had been feeling a little melancholy as of late, although -- typical for him -- he was at a loss to pinpoint exactly why. Part of it, he supposed, was Insieme; the other part, his family. Both felt like sand slipping through his fingers, and the harder he tried to hold on the faster the sand would fall. Perhaps it was just a phase, a hazy summer blues that would fade away when the season kicked in full-force.

Giu was walking the shoreline, an activity that seemed to occupy many of his free hours now-a-days. Brooding might be the term used, although his nature generally was more upbeat, especially since his reunion with Beppe and Maria. Typically, thoughts a thousand miles away, the smoke-hued luperci didn't noticed the shipwrecked wolf until he was a handful of steps away. "L'Hoy lí! Lei stanno bene?" It occurred to him that he ought to have tried to stitch an English sentence together, but of course it was unlikely he would have been able to understand the answer, anyway.

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