A start to a new season

Blue eyes watched her as she took a moment to reply. Here the male was at ease, just as comfortable as he was laying in bed or having a conversation with his brother or mother. It was his home, even if it was also a home to a dozen horses.

The fey however spoke in a shy and unsure way. She gave her name and Alder took another step closer. No, not at all. He replied quickly. She laughed, at the antics of Hawthorn no doubt. Alder shot him a small passing look but then he couldn't help but smile too. Alder. He replied. Giving the horse a pat he added, And this is Hawthorn, he's dying to meet you. The horse certainly was, long face reaching out for her hand.

He watched the red toned fey, studying her body language while trying not to stare. 'Thorns dark eyes watched her as well. Have you ever ridden? He asked.


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