Terra bit back a yip as the arrow bit into her leg. Her only hope would be to double back and keep hidden. She was starting to regret this a little, something that she knew would pass. After all, she'd often regretted tricks only to laugh about it the next day. She wormed her way into the woods, whimpering when the arrow was scraped off. The underbush was thick enough that the horses wouldn't be able to reach her at least. They'd be forced to get off if they wanted to follow. If that slowed them down enough she'd be able to pull her disappearing trick and completely vanish. Maybe she'd apologize later.

Hearing the warriors crash behind her she grinned. Then again, maybe not. Terra lived for the thrill of danger, just one step ahead of disaster. She lived her life remembering the stories of Coyote, and tried to make tricks just as good. It was really too bad she was mortal instead of a goddess like Coyote. It would make life a lot easier, and would stop her from leaving a blood trail. At least she couldn't say her fellow hybrids were weak spirited, though she refused to acknowledge them as coyotes. They were as blindly violent as wolves!

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