The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

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There had never been a time that Ezekiel had been bullied. He was too aggressive, and to a point, too “golden” to have suffered such things in his childhood. Now, though, things had changed. A dead man followed him and his family was cast to the wind. What did he have now, besides Inferni? The will to live. The need to fight. Inferni was his home and Inferni was all he could control and all he could hold onto now. The idea had passed, before, to abandon this place. A younger Ezekiel would have. Now, though, he did not trust those who remained to continue the legacy of his father.

He had said something wrong, but he was unsure what that comment was and frowned. Oblivious to the sensitivity of women, he chalked it up to something silly and dismissed it. After all, Talitha had always been far too vocal about her concerns. Manipulative, but vocal. Myrika’s body told him she was upset, and wishing to ease the palpable tension, he shrugged off his weapons and bag. The bird was placed on the wolverine quiver, which was just within arm’s reach.

“Let me help,” he said, and squatted next to her. With a blunt hand, he stacked the wood into a square shape. “You know, my dad said some humans are still alive. When he was younger, he said they actually came here…well, not here, but across the mountain.” Satisfied with his shape, he chucked dry kindling in and produced a small box of matches. “He said they didn’t know how to talk, and didn’t have any hair or noses. They thought he was a dog,” the Aquila added, and lit the fire.

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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