The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

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There was, even now, some idea of his father in a mythological sense. Ezekiel knew better, and he was bitter about what wounds he had suffered, but even this would not make him speak ill of the man. Gabriel had been great, even if he had made mistakes. He was the closest thing to God that Ezekiel had ever known, and in some way, he still worshiped him. Both of his true children did, in their own way. This was why, he imagined, Talitha had taken everything and gone after him.

“Where did you come from?” He asked suddenly, turning his hawkish gaze to her. Ezekiel realized he knew very little about this girl, aside from the fact she was related to him. Even that was a vague idea; her mother was his father’s sister, but who was her father? Why had she left, and why had she come back? Inferni’s magnetic pull, like some blood-infused polestar, seemed to have an infallible grip on all the Lykoi’s.

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