Call out my name and I will be there
lol Jace spazzed out

He resembled a large rat or other small furry thing rather than a canine, with ears folded close to his head, short legs that pedaled the air and a stubby tail that wiggled tentatively, blunt nose bumped against Temo's fingers and a mouth with a too large tongue opened seeking the all important food. Ripples still ran down the swell of her stomach but the pain no longer bothered her, it heartened her and gave her strength. They were here, he was here and alive, they all were. The whispers on her muzzle trembled with excitement and fear. What if he grew up and he didn't like her? What if he didn't want her to be his mother? These silly thoughts ran around her head as she took him back from Temo and the boy latched on to her breast and suckled. A weird feeling erupted in her stomach as she watched him feed, it was so strange, so unreal, so new. This tiny life that she had been given to guard and protect, teach and help to grow, to love and cherish in a way different to the love she held for Temo. He was more important, the white boy but not in a bad way. He was more important than both of them apart and both of them together as well, something precious and fragile.

Pain started again but she only acknowledged it with a unconcerned grunt of breath. In her mental ramblings with eyes focused on her son it didn't occur to her that there would be others on their way, more for her to worship and love and look after. Another louder breath of air and she looked up irritably, annoyed at being interrupted from staring at him and came back to her surroundings with a shake of the head. Breath was exhaled through her nose as the annoyed lines of her face subsided back into painted curiosity.

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