Games and Tails
Terra shrugged her shoulders. It's a way to pass the time. If you don't want to tell one, I have one for you. Waiting until the woman focused on her Terra began her tale.

Coyote was traveling to a land of great wealth. She planned on stealing their animals and leading them to where the pack was. However, there was a guard that stood at the pathway. On alternate days, he always told the truth or always told lies. Coyote didn't know which day it was, but was desperate to get to the land of wealth, even if she had to kill the man. However, Coyote isn't a murderer, so she decided to trick the man instead. "How are you good sir?" she inquired. The man looked at her. "If you wish to enter, I will tell you the path to the kingdom." Coyote frowned. His words were no good, they could be lies or truth. Smiling Coyote thought of a solution. She asked a question, and the man answered. Happily Coyote entered the land and stole the animals for the pack, and not one drop of blood was shed.

Terra paused for a moment, then grinning looked up at the girl. What question did Coyote ask?

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