fate itself

Thank you, it's great! Smile I need to get around to drawing up my own avatar at some point. Tongue

His new companion seemed taken by surprise by his father's last name, and for a split second he wondered if something great had become of Segodi. Of course, this idea was ultimately squashed by the next few words that came out of Ezekiel's mouth. His mother was a Mogotsi. Faolin Mogotsi, his adopted sister. Tedros couldn't remember the last time he had heard her name, but so many memories flooded back at once.

"I would like to stay, yes," he said, still mulling over the previous sentence. What did that make Ezekiel? His adopted nephew? A chill ran down his spine as he realized just how much family he left behind when he left. "I knew your mother. I remember teaching her how to shift." His voice trailed off, stopping himself from seeming to be too stuck in the past. Plus, Tedros ultimately knew nothing about her anymore, or her relationship with her child before him.

"Who's in charge around here nowadays? Gabriel?"


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