dancing in the ashes
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

Sorry for the delay guys!

Word Count »

It had been a long ride. Ezekiel had been glad he had made good time, however, and returned with his prizes sleeping under the cage-like contraption. He had arrived not long ago, and been greeted by Enkiel at the borders. The jackal had been amused by the newest acquisition, and while they traveled back to the Mansion, spoke about the woman that Ezekiel had only caught sight of once before. The words were encouraging. Inferni needed able-bodies, and the fact that she had been healed indiscriminately meant that they had gained her trust—in his mind, this meant she in some way owed the clan. Even if he would never speak it aloud, Ezekiel would believe such a thing.

So he had left the cage near the barn, and left Oblak there to rest. He would move her back to the western quarters where he had begun keeping Viggo, wondered briefly where Sage’s horse was, and began seeking out the woman in question. He traveled away from the stable, following the worn and wide concrete path that led towards Enkiel’s home and where their guest had been staying.

To his surprise, he not only found her but Helotes as well. Though signs (and certainly the smell) of a long ride clung to him, Ezekiel’s eyes were alert and his body gave no sign of any sort of exhaustion. Alpha tactics, in a way. He could not be weak around them, or anyone else. Amber eyes trailed first to the man, and then to the woman, where they settled. “I see you’re making friends,” he mused, hardly able to miss the obvious tension between them.

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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