dancing in the ashes
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated


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While the cloves changed the taste of his tobacco, they did not change the sharpness of his mind. Ezekiel smoked marijuana only on occasion, and only when he was away from the going-ons of the pack. Heightening his blood pressure was all that the tobacco did, but this eased his tension some. This was not to say he was unusually stressed, but it was a part of his life—between the issues of Inferni and his own ghostly visions were enough to keep his shoulders tight.

He watched her silently, his eyes focused and his ears high and attentive. There was more to her speech, but she was short; she did not speak of the other packs, if she had encountered them. The corner of his mouth pulled back into a crooked smile at the mention of joining the clan. “I figured you might,” he commented, and paused to inhale.

“Your scars tell me a lot, Vesper. As long as you can be loyal to me, and be ready to fight if Inferni needs it, we’ll have you.” The coyote took another break, exhaled smoke through his nose, and cocked his head. “Enkiel mentioned you weren’t born with the…virus. Said you did a hell of a job in his room,” he added with a laugh. “But that’s fine. I need another fighter who doesn’t rely on two legs.” His father had trained him well, and he knew the advantage of such prowess.

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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