Let's start a riot
Hurp, sorry for the wait! I was waiting for James to reply XD
[/html] When the other larger wolf questioned whether he was leading AniWaya, Claudius immediately snapped, "yes," annoyed that the wolf was questioning his authority. Even if he was only a temporary leader, he felt like that should be respected. Moreover, this band of wolves didn't know his position was only temporary. He deserved the respect they owed to him.

When the wolf identified the two newest joiners, Claudius immediately realized he would have to lie if he wanted to protect AniWaya. He had told them they needed to put their problems behind them, but apparently, that had been too much to ask. He would have to speak to them and determine whether they could really remain in the tribe if their former pack members were howling at all of the pack's borders in search of them. Until then, he assumed the role of the confident leader.

"No," he replied a little too quickly. The female who'd been behind the male wolf spoke up. Claudius was annoyed that she hadn't dismounted to speak to him, but his annoyance faded when he realized she was pregnant. He could definitely do without the excessive cuddling though. He also didn't particularly like how she narrowed her eyes at him. What was her problem?

Maintaining a calm demeanor, Claudius listened patiently as she described the two newcomers exactly. Claudius shook his head again.

"I ha-a-a-aven't... see-ee-een... anyone... by tho-ose... descriptions.... a-a-and... you... are... the-e-e-e fi-i-i-rst... fro-om... your... pa-a-ack I've.... seen..." he explained. "I-I've... been... in thi-i-is... tribe fo-o-r... a lo-ong... time... so-o-o i-if they... left... so-ome time... ago... they... never came... here. I-I'm so-o-orry... I could not... be... of... more... help." [html]

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