one foot in front of the other
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

Thanks for starting :>

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Even though he did not think they would be needed, Ezekiel had come with his weapons and his bag worn as always. He was used to the weight, and when the items were removed he felt the absence acutely. While he could have survived without them, they were tools and things to make life easier. Hunting, certainly, was a part of this. Birds were his favorite prey and this was part of why he enjoyed their homeland so much. The Waste afforded itself to winged beasts, as it did to the larger animals that needed to graze on their grassland. Last winter they had seen larger herds, and he hoped now, that the clan was itself larger, they could take advantage of such a thing this winter.

The season was fast approaching, he realized, as the wind cut at his nose and sensitive skin. It was not yet cold enough to break through his pelt, but it was still November. Soon, though, they would all see the terrible weight of Nova Scotia’s weather. They were no longer butt-up against the mountain, though, and this eased some of his worry. Ezekiel had seen his sister and father wounded by such a place, and knew Sage had even been struck down by the stony face. No, the further they were from the mountains, the better.

All of these thoughts faded as he spotted the woman, Vesper. He picked his pace up to a trot. Ezekiel conditioned himself by running, and it showed in his lean frame and defined muscles—even his gait, as he approached, was one of muscle memory and stamina. “Hope you weren’t here too long,” the blonde said, a faint smile crossing his scarred face.

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