Coloring notes

WC: 403 OOC: your posts are just fine Smile

Shawchert put his hand over his face and shook his head, he was exasperated. He understood her meaning, but it was hard to explain something that never really had an explanation before.

“Sweetie, that’s a question for the world, truely, I would love to answer it, but it’s just one of those things that’s been done for generations.”

He said, he had this conversaiton before with her and knew it wouldn’t be the last time he would have the same conversation, just with some metaphore or other kind of ways one spoke. She was blunt, that was for sure and spoke her mind. It would be great if everyone could do that but that was a perfect world and then nothing fun would happen.

“besides, having everything black and white right out there, makes life boring, we like to spice it up with things like expressions metaphores and other things. It’s just something we do out of habit.

He smiled as she mentioned what she wanted to play and he turned to grab his flute from a table and handed it to her, then took his own metal one, one he rarely used and sat with it.

“They are not hard to make no, I could have you one of your own in.... three weeks time if you want, how about you take my flute for now and I’ll work on your very own. I can decorate it with flowers too if you want.”

He knew how much she liked her flowers and he could imagine what the flute would look like. He smiled as he put his metal flute to his mouth and played a short tune just for her.

“It’s quite difficult for us to do it because we do not have the lips that humans had when they made these, but with the right posture, you can make something beautiful. Wooden ones sound different than metal ones, but they all make the same music, want to try?”

He asked her smiling. His pride in being able to teach his daughter something his own mother had taught him when he was younger made him happy, extraordinarily happy. He would be able to pass on something to his next generation, something he had hoped and preyed for since finding out he would be a father.

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