Yo! Raze here. Big Grin

Now, I will not be picking up this character for a long time (at least a couple months), as I first need to get Wayne as a tertiary before I think beyond that. However, Levent has wriggled his way into my head and heart, and so I decided to fill out his profile. I haven't put this much research into a character before, at least as far as his history is concerned; my other characters have vague histories and are all North American, so there isn't much to think about. Levent, however, is a trader from Eurasia and therefore has quite a few place names in his past.

I know that the 'Souls Wiki had some information on cities, but since it is down for the delightful decade...quiz, I completely winged it, referencing the World Travel section of the RP Guide for his routes and whatnot. I know a few locations are "closed" from players having their characters' homes there, though, and I'm just hoping Istanbul and London are free in that sense, though I guess I can grab lesser cities if I need to.

Anyway... Would anyone mind giving Levent here a look-over? He has a very vague religion that could be fleshed out, and there are likely realism mistakes in his past. He also has a kitty companion who speaks High Speech, as I made up some BS about some London cat families being really smart and I wanted a talking Wilson. <3

And this is more of a request, but I'll just throw it in here quickly since this is mostly feedback - anyone willing to interact with this character in LASKY (which I shall be taking advantage of once I'm caught up and not busy) should drop me a PM or something? ;D

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