[M] Death and Beauty
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Amy could not be more amused about where she found herself. Traveling through Halifax she was searching for various supplies when she came across the cemetery. Chuckling slightly to herself she examined the useless heads of stone and scattered statues. What was the point of this small burial ground when there were dead humans scattered through the streets? Humans truly were the most pointless creatures that had existed. Amy was almost surprised it had taken as long as it had for the humans to die out and canines to take over. Granted she knew about the virus, but it was just natural to her that canines would have conquered when humans disappeared.

Moving through Amy paused as a smell caught her attention. It wasn't one she quite recognized, though whether it was because the graveyard disguised it or something else she didn't know. Amy reached her hand around to her sword, gripping it with excitement. If she was lucky this would be a canine she could toy with. Amy always could use something new to amuse her. Merchandise was off limits for her games since she needed to be able to sell him, leaving her with tons of pent up frustration. She'd resorted to tying up the slave and roaming Halifax, trying to distance herself from the temptation. This distraction seemed exactly what she needed.

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