Another year with you

The young male stood alone between his white mother and dark father. He could have easily passed as thier biological child. He had Lucifer's love of hunting, and color along with Duece's slim body type and need of knowledge. His dad was teaching him to hunt while his mum taught him to read. Amber eyes looked from female to male as questions came to him once more, 'Why don't they talk? Are they still in love? What is realy going on!?' He simply sat there, a teenager torn between his mother and father.

On the brighter side they were about to celebrate Naniko's birthday! A smile apeared on his muzzle almost instantly as Conri left the room to get his mate. He looked aroudn the room where should he hide? He walked over Lucifer and nudged him wispering, "Where do you recimend I hide dad?" He loved getting his parents opinions!

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