She's... gone...

Tal came out of the house he shared with his mate, his eyes in a book he was reading. It was a volume on gems and healing. Not that he didn't know lots already, but he wanted to refresh his knowledge, perhaps pick up something new. He turned a page, looking up as Orin's voice rang out. “ Excuse me? Did you say something?” His mismatched eyes widened as he quickly responded, even though she wasn't even looking in his direction. "I just came out of my house.... I didn't say anything." It was only as he trailed off, he realized her back was to him, facing the usually cat covered porch of Esther, the eccentric old luperci.

His face warmed under his snowy fur. Clearly, she hadn't even been speaking to him. He cleared his throat in embarrassment, hoping his intrusion wouldn't upset the petite woman. "Err, sorry, Orin. I heard you talking, and just assumed.... " He chuckled softly, closing the book and approaching the smaller woman slowly, a chagrined smile on his lips.

He tried to ease his embarrassment by making a joke. "You know, I've heard it's normal to talk to yourself. It's when you argue with yourself and lose, that you have issues." Smooth, Tal. Ease your discomfort by making fun of Orin. What a dumbass.

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