the light dawns brightest
The small woman had circled around the tribe's lands and was along the southern border this day. She was impressed with the size of their territory and the different types of terrain and prey she caught sight of on her travels. Her grey lavender orbs watched the waves along the shore crashing in as the sea salt sprayed up into the winds. She closed her eyes a moment and smiled. The woman would always love the sea, water and the energy of the wild but the bay was enough for her. She would never betray the clan, she belonged to the clan, her loyalties vowed to their leader.. and it was he that she answered to.

She smiled at the thought, knowing that soon she would make her journey back to the clan, to her friends and family. It was a lonely road out in the open with her duties and animals as her only companions. She patted Saol on the shoulder as the stallion nudged her lightly before wandering along the shore to explore. The tiny Lykoi woman shook her head slightly as she felt the small form of the feline begin to twine in and out of her legs as she studied the lands. She was hoping to find one more member of the tribe to talk with before heading back to the lands she called home but unless she found someone this day she would probably need to head back towards the clan lands before she was missed, or presumed to have abandoned the clan.

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