the light dawns brightest
The AniWayan scout had a lot on her mind. Well, more like one thing that was really urgent. Liam. Her talk with Ralla had not gone too well but it had gone as Ayasha expected it would. Her mother had told her to stay away from Liam but Ayasha would be disobeying her mother. She loved him and wasn’t going to be staying away from him. It was rare that she disobeyed her mother but she would leave the Tribe if need be, and it seemed like she would.

To clear her mind, she went on a patrol and headed towards the coast. Hopefully being alone would help clear her head and not get her angry at her mother. She was so tempted to throw a tantrum when Ralla told her to stay away from her lover. But she knew that that would end the possibility of her mother letting her go. Though she might still need to sneak off to see him and might need to leave in the middle of the night to be with him.

Her plans of solitude were thrown out the window when she saw a small figure on the beach. At first she thought it was a child but the form was way to grown up to be a child. This woman was shorter than she was! But she knew that it was rude to stare because of her height, or lack thereof. So she grinned and said, ”Hello there. I’m Ayasha, Waya Agateno of AniWaya. May I help you?”

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