The Way We were Born
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Words could not hope to encapsulate her excitement for the coming eve. The peak of the event drawing nigh, signaled by the growing elation in her chest, the woman was hardly able to contain herself. Umber boots pranced merrily in the snow tossing loosened flakes in her wake as she quickened her speed. She trotted over to the mate laying contently by their catch and gave his ear a playful tug meant to rise him from the ground and have his joy in her mirthful parade. But even if he would not, there would be others she was sure that would dance with her and feast to their heart’s content.

Jace and her lovely brood would be the first to arrive eliciting a joyful howl from the she-wolf as she darted over to greet then, yet nearly tripped over her own paws to stop when her favored pup Honrin opened his mouth to speak. The child could talk already? It was a wonderful achievement well rewarded by a boisterous howl from the eager woman. “Good evening to you my friends,” she sang, circling the family with a closing berth before stopping still beside the impressive pale orange brute. Her ears perked with interest as her nostrils quivered, inhaling his scent as she drew closer to his unfamiliar form. “I don’t believe I’d had the pleasure,” she spoke softly with a hint of disappointment for her lack of knowledge of him. Clearly he was of the pack for his coat was drenched in the fragrance of Ichika… but how she had not come across him all this time was beyond her. None the less, she was pleased for his presence and adorned his muzzle with a friendly kiss. “But we are glad to have you none the less.”

Then from the family’s arrival came her fellow Envoy Rendall with her own catch in tow. She noted with amusement the mess of red that stained her blue but was kind enough not to let her sights linger for long. “Rendall!” The woman spared no distance between them and came to prod the woman light in the shoulder before gracing her chin with a lick of greeting. “Good evening to you.” And it was not a moment more before the lithe form of Sage glided into their midst, her maw humorously stuffed with feathers from her quarry. She did not escape the Kozan’s greeting upon her situation in the gathering and was too endowed with a wet tongue across her cheek. Rather than repeat her worded welcome, she let the action speak for itself, waving her tail in friendly gesture.

It was not as intense a gathering as she had anticipated but it was one that brought her further joy none the less. Promptly whirling on the tips of her paws, the lead Envoy surveyed the offerings of each wolf and hybrid, taking it upon herself to coral the meats together in a pile of flesh and bone. There would be leftovers certainly perhaps enough to feed them for the days to come. But tonight was a time to engorged themselves and be merry. Restraint would be all but a fallacy not meant for their primal hearts.

Before the raised her lips to announce the beginning of their feast, she spied the shy form of Pripyat coming toward the group with no catch to display. This lowered the ears of the elated she-wolf as his absence of offering would force her to keep him from the frenzy until they were full. But it did not bring her as much sadness as the news that greeted her ears. She should have guessed the lady would want to maintain her privacy given her delicate situation and the sickness was just another aid to keep her at bay. X’yrin nodded in understanding, grateful for the young wolf’s report but none the less placed herself in front of him, brandishing her shoulder in a dismissive gesture. “I am sorry, my friend,” she lowered her voice so as not to draw unnecessary attention, though there was only so much to be hidden when it was clear to them all what he lacked. “You may join us in our feast perhaps later… but for now, please do us the honor and keep us company. We are happy to have you.” She gently nosed his cheek before turning away and resuming her central post near the meat.

X’yrin looked to each face with a nearly adorned smile, her tail again high and wagging hoping the others would receive her emanating joy and follow into merriment. “We are gathered to pay homage to our ancestors… and have donned their forms so that they may look upon as and smile with pride, knowing that we have not distanced ourselves from our origins. My friends let us sing to them with the voices they have blessed us with and call to them to be with us now. Let us again be part of that life of old and reclaim our ancestry.” The woman lifted her head without hesitation releasing a call to the Shepards of the past and bid they listen to the praises of their kin.

Her song was long and loud and flowed with ease from her delicately parted maw, but even such beauty and praise to her wandering gods was not meant to last eternally. When all her breath was expelled from her lungs she lowered her head to the gathered feast before them all. Then with a wordless command, bid that they all take part and feast. Adapting to her rank as a lead female, she plunged her muzzle into the stomach of the still intact dear provided by Jace and her family, searching the moist confines of its innards for the tender meat of its organs. Her jaws snapped around the delectable liver then wrenched it free of its chasm stringing gore across the fresh snow. With organ in maw, she left the carcass for others to feed then padded over to stand beside her equally ranked companion and friend and set the liver graciously at her paws. No words need to spoken to convey her respect trusting the act alone would suffice before returning to her mate’s side, giving others a chance to fend for themselves.

ooc: Anyone that is not present is STILL WELCOME TO JOIN! Don't hesitate even if your character doesn't bring anything. Just come along and enjoy. NO POSTING ORDER!!! 1049 words.


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