Secret Heart

Dusk was an inviting time for him, no longer did he have to hide from his overly nosy pack mates and be forced to make awkward social conversation. Eyes of miscolor, one the green of emeralds while the other representing the purple of a summer flower, opened to the fading run. Pupils shrinking under the auburn rays, the dusty male with the flute tied to a string around his neck leaned backwards and out of the skeletal branches of the tree that kept him in the air. He landed upon the ground with a deep thud, swallowed up by the snow, impact absorbed by corded muscle.

Once a skinny string of a boy, now he was no longer. Within a few short months since coming to his father's pack he had transformed, now his power was not in the rangy enthusiasm of youth but in the taut strength of adulthood. Any father should have been proud to have borne such a strong individual forth from his loins and Lorenzo knew that his father was. The Knight was a perfect blend of both parents, looking like neither but being the embodiment of both. The largeness and fierceness of his father coupled with the softness of Ghita, his beloved mother. He had not seen her for so long now but it was for the best. He didn't want to start up old arguments. He had also lost upon his onset of becoming a man, his joking persona, the clown and jester was gone from within him as well, he missed it honestly. But too many things had happened for him to keep it and grow as a person, he was still a fun person to be with, well amongst his family anyway but no longer did he make stupid jokes at inappropriate moments.

Still he had a ways to go before he could be considered a warrior but he was getting there, it would take something monumental for Lorenzo to develop that mind set. Something devastating. The call of a lady rang out and his head pulled up with interest. It wasn't the fact that it was a woman but what was contained in her call, a lost desire. A longing and curiosity. He followed her sound to its origin which was hardly a minute or two's walk away, the howl hadn't even echoed off into silence when he reached her enchanting form. Not often one saw such colors, fiery and brilliant although dulled by the darkness.

From the darkness he came like a shadow, although the woman probably knew of his approach anyway, she seemed like the type that wouldn't be easily fooled. His smile was easy and polite,

"Aye, hai thar. 'ow can ah be of serveece to you tahdeey?" He leaned against a nearby tree and crossed his arms across his chest. The scuffed blue jeans that were worn at the knees showed off the musculature of his thighs and legs. The tooth earring in his right ear glinted in the fading light. His ever present red baseball cap twisted to the left adorned his head.

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