The Ties that Bind
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347. Sorry for the wait guys!

Nayru sat by the shore, ruby eyes wide as she watched the waves lapped at the sands. Although winter had settled its self nicely the woman was not cold as she sat cross legged on the beach. The tiny female was round and fat with children; Nayru knew that the pups would come any day now and that it was perhaps unwise to travel so far from X'ryin and Saluce's den but daily she grew restless. The lady who once had been among the swiftest of the pack moved with slow steps, but these steps were able to carry her great distances and so she was on the west end of the territory rather than the east when the call woke her from her trance.

The song that summoned her was composed of two voices, both unfamiliar but both asking for her. Nayru tilted her head to the sound, and then slowly she rose. Razekiel could, and perhaps would, answer the call but Nayru was close enough now that she wouldn't have thought of ignoring it. If someone, anyone, summoned her, she went. Her life was meant to serve Ichika, and even so round with pups she could not ignore her duties. Unhurried she made her way up the beach, into the more mountainous range of the land and towards the makers of the call. It took some time before she reached them, and so she was unsurprised that another had gotten there first.

On two short legs the piebald lady stood before the assembled three, and slowly a warm smile spread on thin, ebony lips. Clasping her hands together she bowed as low as her belly would allow her, her soft voice raising just enough so that the strangers could hear her. Namaste. The Jiryu turned to the familiar face and bowed her head at the Gen'un, glad to have Noah between her and the pair of strangers. Looking back to the nameless man and woman she smiled once more, her words little more than a whisper. Greetings friends. I'm Nayru. You called for a Ryu?


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