[M] What else could you possibly teach me?

I'm making good on that pp allowance you gave me XD lemme know if you want changed! >> wordcount: +492

Like him, she was a prideful creature. His narrowed pupils could see it in her, especially now, as she perfected her craft by exposing such beautiful and voluptuous curved. The woman's scent wrapped lavender fingers around his brain, starving it of oxygen and its usual tendency for self-control and paranoia. In this moment, the wicked mind of the Thistle King could think of nothing but her, and how much he craved her, like an insatiable hunger that sizzled deep within the blood.

Although strictly civilized, Sirius was, beyond the beast that lingered in his core, a passionate man. His flair for drama, his addiction to beauty, his own ravenous pride - All of these things hinted at a truly sensual soul, insatiable and dangerous within the limitations of its own laws and boundaries. There was little he wouldn't do for profit, be it for Salsola, or his own filthy riches which swelled and grew every passing day. The peacock monarch was well deserving of his lustful crown.

The nymph arched into his touch, exposing more of her frame, pressing the shapely globe of her breast deeper into his calloused palm. Surprisingly elegant fingers - long, like a piano player's - grew greedy with the suggestive motion. Her purr stirred his blood to flames, it's reptilian coolness now bubbling with demonic heat.

Her own fingers, feminine and soft in their touch, laced a path over the hard muscle of his bicep, and then over the deep trenches above the place where his thorny heart was rumored to reside. For a moment, his peridot eyes watched the progress, subtly intrigued by her curiosity for the scars - Perhaps they were a particular fetish of hers. But thoughts could not be sustained as her fingers traipsed lower, stealing again all resolve and manners from the man she called a King.

Her touch dissolved the chains binding his inner beast - Her insistent grinding of curvy hips waving a red flag before the creature. With a snarl more predatory than the coo of a lover, he responded by grasping her narrow waist in both hands, and practically hauling her frame to the mountainous pile of his bedfurs. She weighed nothing to his lustful muscles, and it was with barely restrained starvation that he placed her, surprisingly gently, on the soft tanned pelts and hides. There, as she lay amongst the skinned furs of silky rabbit and tawny doe, wooly mountain goat and thick, plush elk, she appeared to be another luxury - Another bounty from the king's chambers.

His body followed her own into the bed, hands on either side of her shoulders as his hot breath poured down over her. His need was excruciating, but the game continued - It would be an insult to him if he could not arouse her, also. Head bent down so that wily tongue could find one nipple, as the dark locks of his hair tumbled onto her chest.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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