Discarded respect is best kept in check.
SSWM: 499

Ulilohi had finally ventured to the stables to pick out a horse. She had arrived here on a mount, but sent it back with her friend and the prisoners, and now she had no particular horse. Not that she had ever been "close" with the one she had used to get here: frankly, she never really considered that a horse could be hers in that sense. But she saw that many in this place had strong bonds to their horses, and though she wasn't sure if it was envy or curiosity, she had eventually decided that she wanted to try this out. Coming to the stables, she had hoped to find an animal tender there, but as she entered the largest building, where the horses were held, she had seen no one.

She looked in particular for a horse able to hold someone her size. Previously, she had used strong and stocky horses, but they were often short, and she wasn't sure if that was the best choice now that she was to lead this tribe. She needed to be prominent, and a stocky, short horse wasn't necessarily very impressive. As she examined one particularly impressive horse, a tall stallion with a temper, her ears automatically turned towards the outside and the shriek that was exclaimed somewhere out there. Quickly closing the stall to the stallion, she moved outside only to see white-furred Gemma on the ground in the sheep's enclosure, and the ewes and lambs quickly pouring out the gate and into freedom. With an alarmed exclamation that only served to spook the sheep further, she watched as Gemma picked herself up and escaped the rams' enclosure, and immediately and quite easily crossed the closest fences to make her way over there and close the gate. Gemma beat her to it, but all of the sheep escaped both her and Ulilohi's clutches as she tried to grab any of them. In the end, they were all lost, fleeing a nonexistant enemy into a much more dangerous existence.

Finally, frustrated, Ulilohi threw her arms out from her sides and sighed heavily before turning to Gemma. "Are you okay?" She was more tempted to ask what had happened, however she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer. The gate should never have been open like that. This situation was utterly hopeless just then - their dinner, and their clothing, had just escaped their caretakers. They might injure themselves, or even enter the village and cause damage there. Some ewes had stopped still in sight, one even with a lamb close behind, but were still edgy, staring back at them with their ears erect. Throwing her head back, Ulilohi called for the attention of all tribesmembers. The sound further scared the few remaining sheep away, and Ulilohi sighed again as she watched them disappear among the trees. They would need all the hands in the tribe to save themselves from this disaster. How could they ever fix this without losses?

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