[m] Don't be shocked if i cry
pp of Aeron agreed

The situation of an extra child to take care of was still very ponderous for the giant Austral male. The appearance of Io's granddaughter had taken all of the family by surprise. The male responsible for siring her had disappeared off back into the woodwork for now and he felt the urge to grab the boy by the back of the neck and shake him, one did not abandon their newborn infants, even if it was onto his mother's lap. He thought heavily for this as he made his way towards the stables he had built, intent on beginning his day in a relatively good mood even though he remained deep within his mind, thinking over what to do with the newest addition to the Tormenta line, Estrella. He hardly even noticed as he stepped into the stables to begin his daily work the horses that neighed or nickered hello to him. His answer was a vague greeting of sorts before he managed to pull himself out of the ravine of his mind and truly comprehend the world around him. He rubbed at his eyes tiredly, the nightmares had not ceased for several days now and it was beginning to wear him down. He untied his weapon and tool belt from around his waist and set it on the floor in plain sight, ever since the AniWaya war he went nowhere without it now.

The man picked up his pitchfork, brought with him when he had left AniWaya, it had been reassembled again from its detached state for use in Anathema. Faith pushed her head out of her roomy stall as he walked past and tugged on his midnight black hair, looking at him with a concerned expression. He explained to the Austral lady about the recent additions to the family and about his reoccurring nightmare. She was sympathetic to his plight and slightly scornful of Io. She hadn't truly understood why she stayed until one day he had brought the three children to her stall, tiny without their eyes open, before they were aware of the world around them. They wouldn't remember their first visit to the stables bu she would always remember them. The mare rumbled in her chest and reached up again to tug at his hair before pulling back to let him work.

Feeling more lonely for her withdrawal he began his daily routine of sweeping the stables and then clearing out the stalls of muck. This required some fiddling as certain horses were more difficult than others, in particular the mare of the idiot Rakeeb. She was feisty like Jager had been and it was a daily battle to get her into the paddock while he cleaned out her stall then to return her when he was done. The rest seemed to understand and accept that he was simply clearing up around them and either moved out of his way or requested to be placed out in the paddock to run about and stretch. Some of them couldn't be let out together because they fought and so the majority of his time cleaning was actually spent rearranging the horses as he needed them to be. It was draining work to say the least.

But this day his work would be interrupted although it usually was, but this time not by fighting horses or other animals complaining generally but by crows. Sounding the alarm. Shit! Flashbacks of the war rolled before his eyes as his pitchfork was dropped to the floor with a loud clatter that startled several of the equines and provoked loud whinny's from them. He grabbed his weapons belt as he passed by it and secured it around his waist, Drolengur glinted brightly in the weak sun as he stepped out into the morning air, ears on alert for the direction of their calls. He took off at a run over the uneven ground, his tail straight out behind him for what balance it could lend. White star eyes searched for the reason for the alarm, were they being attacked? Had someone been injured? Although the answers to his questions were true he would have never guessed of the way that they were.

Seconds seemed to drag on and his feet move too slow as the sounds of his own harsh breathing blocked out most of the others except the one he was focused on, the alarm call. A flash of bright color dragged his eyes away from his goal as he had to quickly correct his balance less he stumble. Aeron had joined the race to find out the problem, and had angled her own fast pace so that it would intercept with his own. They said not a word to each other as they joined in direction but they did not have to, the worry was their clear in both their eyes to see as well as the hardened emotions that came before a fight, the closing off of the heart and fueling of violence. The rocky ground was treacherous footing and it was only by pure luck that he did not go down on several occasions as stones and rocks slipped underneath his feet. Now they could clearly hear screams of children and the deafening roar of a bear. His heart pounded faster now as fear spiked through him, could they be his own crying out so fervently. He was the first of the pair to leap off the ledge of rock and hand with bended knees, his sword was drawn as razor sharp eyes drew in the situation as Finn had done before him, the injured Rakeeb and stranger and crying children, that thankfully were not his, and the bear that quickly swatted his friend to the side like she was nothing more than a rag doll.

These children may not be his but two of them he recognised were the son's of the Angelo, that made them priority to protect, the other female he did not know her parentage. He grasped his sword with both hands and raised it hight as he charged the bear head on, the beast looking at him with surprise for a second at this yelling angry thing coming at it before meeting his charge. The man's blade struck true but only just, penetrating skin and slicing through muscle. There was grace to him as he moved fluidly, dodging a paw swat, being in too close and throwing himself away before charging again.

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