Eg rømde rædd; men stundom maa eg sjaa deg att.
OOC: So sorry on the wait on this one. won't happen again.

Cola ears perked as the male slept, snuggled up against the side of the stag that was his mount. The large, dog-like ears of the male had found a sound on the wind that was not a natural sound. Well, it was a natural sound, but it was the natural sound of something moving around nearby, and the sound had made the secui male perk his head. Val, the Elk, also did the same movement with his head when his master did. The teak and cola colored wolfdog was quick to get to his feet though, for the rustles in the brush were loud, and they were from something that was not small. Or on four legs. It was a two-legged, which meant that it was a luperci. Val the Elk was also quick to get to his feet, but not without some noise coming from his reigns, as well as the bags that were on his sides that held the various objects that Reykr had collected upon his journey. Reykr was quick to get to moving though, for he wanted to know what was close by to be making as much noise as there was going on in the cold winter day. Val followed behind his master, but with a distance, because he could tell that Reykr had gone into hunt mode, and his presence was not wanted right next to his master.

Reykr's large body was hardly un-noticable against the white and black of the scenery. Soon there was a change in the scenery though, for there had been a clearing that was quite large. There was no hiding behind anything now, and he found the two legged that he was looking for, just standing there in the cold. It was a woman, tattered and clothing torn. Reykr stopped for a moment and he stood there and just looked at her with his sweet corn colored eyes. He cocked his head lightly and he approached closer, enough to notice that her shin was bleeding, not only from the sight, but from the smell of blood that he caught. "You okay there, miss?" asked the male, his voice friendly and polite to the woman, for he did not wish to scare her, or fight either.

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