M. A smarter wolf would stay away,
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Forward dated to the sixth. Should I put a mature tag on this? / +448

With the new arrival of his spirit guide, Matteo felt the need to tell Ezekiel about the news. Why? He wasn't actually sure. Maybe, in truth, he wanted to share the good news with his estranged crush, Tedros... or maybe Omni. The point was, he wanted to share the news with someone who wouldn't be used to such things. AniWaya was full of ghostly guides. Inferni wasn't.

So off he went. He trotted along at a brisk pace in his lupus form, knowing the way by heart and thanking the spirits for the build up of thick fur he'd grown over the last month. The cold wasn't so bad anymore. He could stand to travel without heavy clothes now and his pads had toughened up, no longer sticking to every patch of ice he came across.

His trek brought him to the familiar clan's borders, the skulls as beautiful as ever to the scarred coydog. He was about to howl for an escort when suddenly, a whispered voice in his ear told him he wasn't alone anymore. Ahiyuhi shifted from the air to the ground at his paws, glaring up at him with those solid, glowing sea-green eyes. "And just what do you think you're doing here, Matteo Trovato?" She spat scornfully, fur bristling.

He shrank back a bit, ears pinning. I always come here. And in my defense, I'm not here on spying business this time. I just want to talk to one of my friends in Inferni, that's all. He retorted, tone that of a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He looked scolded.

"I think not. Turn your dusty white tail around now and let's go home. This place gives me the creeps." She hissed, swerving towards him and walking straight through his legs, sending shivers up and down his spine. He rumbled, rolled his eyes and ignored her protests. Relax, Ahi. We won't be here long. You don't even have to let yourself be known, if it bothers you that much. I just want to talk to Tedros or Omni or someone.

She hissed again, this time hovering over his shoulder as if she were solid, eyes in his side vision, glaring and angry. "You've got an hour. And I'm not going anywhere. At the very least, I'm here to keep you out of trouble, kid."

He smiled and rolled his eyes. Yes, mother. He mocked, before tossing his head back and howling softly for someone nearby to come and greet him. She hissed yet again, this time in his head. "You only wish I were as kind as her." Teo couldn't help but agree.

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