Warmer Days Ahead


That X'yrin Exultare was weary was no secret, her words were not the first indication to convey this message. Her whole aura spoke of exhaustion and Nayru couldn't help but feel annoyance at the reluctance she saw in the warrior as she obliged Nayru's offer. It was as if she sat only because asked by her Jiryu and friend, and not because her body and mind also demanded such an action. And yet, X'yrin could hardly keep focus on Nayru's words and the reply of the woman was wrought with fatigue. The golden lady tried to say it was only her duty and nothing more and still Nayru's guilt did not diminish even the tiniest amount.

"You cannot work yourself so hard and so long. " Nayru knew that similar words had been spoken to herself rather recently, it had been Saluce and X'yrin herself who had chided their tiny leader for her refusal to rest. All through her pregnancy she had pushed herself though the energy was been sapped daily from her body. She had spent long days marking borders, hunting for herself and even for others, tending to the dead vines of the winery and even caring for the stable animals though finally they had a Ma-Tzu among their ranks once more. That X'ryin and Nayru were alike in their efforts to keep serving others did not strike the woman as odd, only as upsetting in that X'yrin did not see herself moving down the same path she had found Nayru along.

Yet what choice had the woman if Saluce was unable to care for them as he had? X'ryin was feeding not only the great brute, but the lady and her brood and then herself. Saul fed himself and brought Nayru food now and then, but he was in and out and Nayru had allowed this. The man had to tie up loose ends, put back the pieces of his life in Ichika, and find them a new den. Yet Nayru suddenly felt they had to do this all with much more haste. It seemed clear to her that the couple could not continue hosting the sickly Jiryu and her rapidly growing family.

"The kill has been caught, what more have you to do today? We will not starve if you sit a while, surely. Rest, please. Just speak with me for a while. It will do us both some good." And yet Nayru knew that even this time was limited for her. Sooner or later the pups would awake and squall for their next meal, for it was an endless cycle of feeding and sleeping and though it seemed easy enough the children continued to suck energy from the salt and pepper woman faster than she could replenish it. "Is it only the work that has you so worn?"


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