Tells of Time

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; Dated back to somewhere in the first three days of Jan? You can choose which works best for you; 850 words

Bastion had grown quite content with his new little family. It was strange to think he had a family, a mate and a pup. And even stranger still that they had been accepted as such in front of the eyes of the rest of Salsola. Bastion would have never imagined this for himself. He knew that he had always been reluctant to replace Janos but to think that they were now stuck with each other for life. Not that Bastion could say that he particularly minded. After all he enjoyed having that large presence in his bed. He liked any amount of time that was spent with Janos, and had for quite some time now.

But for now the larger male was out, perhaps trying to find something to bring back for the small family t eat. Bastion wasn't too worried because he knew that his puppy would always return to him. Instead he found something else to worry him instead. He found something strange where Enigma slept. There were tiny teeth littering the floor. This of course was cause for concern for the small male. What had happened to his pup? Yes, he had come to think of Enigma as his as well instead of just belonging to Janos as he had in the beginning.

Bastion picked up the milk teeth that had been shed, not realizing that is what they were. He wasn't sure where to turn to or what to do and so headed out to find Enigma first off as he had to make sure that the other was okay. He found the boy, which had grown to be large over the time that had been spent in Salsola, playing down in the flat lands about the ruins. He checked up on Enigma, mentally noting that when the boy grinned he seemed to have all of his teeth aside from canines where there were only holes. This only confused Bastion more. What had happened. Did he break his teeth? How did he do that? What about the missing teeth? Where were they?

Bastion didn't try to let his son in on his thoughts though. Instead he scratched lightly at the top of the boy's head. "Be good." He cautioned the child before letting him get back to his own games. Bastion left the boy behind in order to head over to where Eris made her home. The hand that held the teeth had fingers clutched tightly around them so as not to lose them. He figured that Eris may not what to do and how to fix Enigma's teeth since she had pups of her own.

Being who he was, not to mention just how worried he was, Bastion didn't bother to pause and wait to be granted entrance into Eris's domain. No, he made his way straight into the compound and right to Eris's room. "Enigma broke teeth. Need you fix." He spoke up as he entered, explaining away his intrusion, and held out his hand with the teeth in it to allow them to be inspected by Eris. And oddly enough his voice was pleading rather than demanding as it would usually be. It was so odd for Bastion to be concerned for someone other than himself but Janos and Enigma had grown onto him, almost as if they were extensions of himself in his mind. So while he had broken protocol it was done for his child. Enigma didn't seem in pain but maybe the boy was masking it? All Bastion knew was that something was going on with Enigma and he felt that he didn't have the time to wait around to be invited in because what if Enigma broke more of his teeth or more of them simply disappeared?

"Come please? Fix teeth?" Bastion had actually asked politely for once. He was pleading and whining, something that he only showed around Janos or Eris. It was another occasion, again involving Enigma, that he was at a loss of what to do. Bastion really hated not being in control and being so vulnerable. Again he had to turn to Eris for her expertise and experience. He even gave Eris a pleading look, openly showing concern for someone other than himself. Of course Eris was the only one, other than Janos, to see this from him. "He broke teeth. Missing teeth." He was repeating himself, unable to figure out how to explain more clearly and so he stuck to repetition. "These teeth. Missing these teeth." Bastion used his free hand to point at his canines to show where Enigma was missing teeth. "Found these where Enigma sleep." He held out the hand that had the teeth settled within his palm even more, urging Eris to have a look or even taken them for herself. Even the use of Enigma's name rather than simple calling the child Nigma, as he was prone to do, proved just how serious Bastion was about this. He honestly thought there was something wrong with his son and therefore needed help in fixing him and making him all better.


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