[M] The Next Generation
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Dated for teh 25th of this month, cause I'm impatient. HERE COME THE PUPPIES!
Other people can post once the pups are actually born. For now, only Taliesin and Skye can join in.

Things had calmed down since Liam's evil deed and Orin's outburst. In fact, little else had happened since then, aside from the occasional upset amongst pack members, though such things were expected in any pack, large or small, peaceful or warring. The pregnant medic had gotten a chance to relax into her last month of pregnancy, and a good thing too, considering...

Fella knew something was up before anyone else. He'd been restless and clinging to Sky's very shadow all day, following her around as she did her usual daily tasks and even refusing to leave her alone when she retired to the study for some more work on pack-defense-related things. Confused with her feline son's odd behaviour, she'd allowed him entry into the study, not really feeling like arguing with him when he'd been so well behaved otherwise. Again, a good choice on her part.

It was just past noon when the first pains hit her. That clenching burning feeling in her stomach created an instant panic for the mother-to-be and it didn't take her long to waddle her way back out into the main part of the house again...

"TALIESIN!" She didn't bother opening the door or windows to call for her mate, where ever he was at that point. She didn't want a crowd and she felt that burning tingle in the back of her head, those instincts from her first labor and that was how she knew for a fact that this was the day her pups would be born. Whether or not they were born alive was the fear that gripped her to the very core, the terror that excited the panic. "TAL!" Another howl, demanding and almost frightening in the volume and urgency of it. She continued her waddling trek to the living room and managed to lay herself down on the couch, panting at that point.

She was about to learn that her labors were not slow and gradual things, but rather, quick and incredibly painful, live pups or not. She whined sharply as another contraction hit her, her claws digging into the couch almost painfully, her eyes clenched shut as she tried to focus on calming herself down and breathing.

Fella sat on the back of the couch and watched in a mixture of horror and amazement as his mother pulled some very interesting and frightening faces, not knowing entirely what was happening but knowing that it was important that he actually let Taliesin near her now. After all, the white devil was a medic, evil or not. If he tried anything to hurt his mum, the bobcat would be sure to rip him a new ass. For now, though, he'd have to trust his mother's judgement in calling for him.


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