Here is the Plan...
He watched her, his facial expression a mix of worry and intrigue. Blues watched her response, the subtle way her body reacted to his presence. It worried him a bit, as he took it all in, after all he wasn’t the easiest brute to love, but he really didn’t want her to fear him. The giant rested his hands on his hips, as her words started to flow into his ears. The excitement behind them was picked up on right away, as the octaves of her voice carried higher as she let her excitement come through more. He simply smiled, the warmth in it slowly showing, knowing he wouldn’t be able to keep her from this event.

“hrm, that does sound interesting. Maybe I can find a few things I need to finish off my blacksmithing shop, and maybe some customers.” He mused idly, knowing that stating his interest in such an event might give her the okay to warm up to him. His body moved towards her on auto pilot, hands leaving his hips and finding hers.

“I don’t think I can say no to this, and we haven’t really had a proper honeymoon, so if you’d like to go we can. “ he stated simply, “but I doubt I could find anyone to take you off my hands at this fair, mating you off to someone in all. Wonder what someone would offer me for you” he teased her with a gentle laugh. “Doubtful you could get a lump of coal for me”

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