Lonely Artists and Jealous Friends
Light's arm = Teddy Bear in Teo's Drunk-o-vision.

When the blind lady made a polite refusal, the albino was about to turn away. "Perfectly fine, of course. Perhapes later, I can show you aroun-" He didn't get the chance to finish. Another one in her lupus form approached, wuffing to announce herself. He stepped back and placed his hands in his pockets. Drunk as he was, he didn't leave at that moment, curious to know if this lupus lady knew the blind girl. Upon noting the lift in tone, he smiled and nodded. "Or perhapes you have a friend indeed. I'll leave you ladies to your fun, then." He gave a slightly tipsy bow before turning...

...and stumbling sideways as Light suddenly appeared. Oh, so that's where he'd left him. No, wait, this wasn't... oh right, Light could move about freely. Silly Teo. His smile became a grin when Light apparently showed to know the lady too, gathering her up in a hug and speaking happy words to her. She returned the happy words, and then it was apparently time for introductions.

When Light introduced the blind lady as Hotaru, Teo wagged his tail. "A name to go with the face. The honor's mine, miss Hotaru." She also made a note to treat the little coywolf as a friend to Light and Teo made sure to do the same.

...and then he decided standing on his own was too much effort. With a surprisingly smooth side-step, he took place beside Light and snagged the older male's free arm for himself, wrapping it in both his arms and leaning lightly against his friend.

"Un po 'ubriaco, molto felice." He muttered into his friend's arm, closing his eyes to let his ears do all the work for a moment. "Where'd you go, Luce della mia notte?" Mixed Italian signalled that last shot of whiskey settling in. Even with his mangled words, his tone of voice was sulky and hinting, leaving no mystery behind his affection towards his tribemate. It was official; Teo was plastered.


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