Unwanted, unneeded
Less daunting, set at the storage shed.
Word Count ► 421

The sticks had dried before the depth of night and the woman found herself staring at a box with forty some sticks of lavender oil incense in the morning light. The scent permeated through the cracks in the box and Isabella found herself eager to get rid of some of these thin, delicate, slimsy sticks. She pulled out a handful of them and deftly tied them together with twine she had hidden away in her saddle bags. She counted about about fifteen sticks of incense and pulled out a small plastic tube she had found, washed, and dried. Using cloth and more twine, she sealed the only open end of the tube, the incense would move in the tube, since she had not packed it tightly. However, they would be fine, as she would not be tossing them around like a toy.

Isabella felt her desire to keep the sticks for herself, but she figured she would have time to make more or obtain more in the spring when trade was easier and flowers more common. With a terribly set sigh, the gypsy woman donned her red silk sash about her shoulders and left her home in the ruins for the storage shed Salsolans shared.

It was a bit of a walk, but the woman relished the feeling of the air upon her flesh as well as the Mother beneath her feet and fingertips. Life slept in the trees, even the ones bare from winter's chill. Exhaling happily, causing a puffy white cloud of vapor to appear before the woman's lips as she approached the hidden door. Winter rendered the plants brown, making it even harder to spot the doorway as the colors matched more. Smirking, the woman pulled at the door, heaving it as it had become a little tiny bit jammed from autumn and winter debris - or she was just not as strong as her curves might suggest. Inside, dust swirled and the air tasted a bit stale. Eyes adjusted, Isabella set down the tube of incense against some of the ceramics, wedging the tube to prevent rolling.

Satisfied that she had provided a fair share, the woman's eyes suddenly caught sight of the pile of pelts. With eyes that glittered with greed, Isabella reached out and pulled a slightly larger brown pelt. It was thicker and warmed quickly at her touch. Emerging from the shed, the woman stood in the light with the pelt held out in front of her as she inspected it further.

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