Unwanted, unneeded

This is a bad post. :| I SORRY.

Tlantli is by Alaine!

The pale coyote nodded earnestly. She did not understand it either; while Tlantli could envision herself with a woman and had taken their custom while in Barbados, she did not think she wanted anything less than a man for her life partner -- if she had such a thing as a life partner in her future. The flaxen coyote did not think Miqui would travel south with her. He would remain here, with his new family -- he had forgotten the ways of his ancestry. No matter -- all the glory would be hers, then. She would bring children back home to Metetzili and Dieriel, and she would bring dignity and greatness back to the Kimaris family.

None of this for me, I think. If I have need of children -- all some men are good for -- I will find a willing and suitable man, and he will give them to me -- my children, she asserted, knowing this to be the truth of her plan -- though, phrased as it was, it sounded more like a future aspiration than current underaking. The honey-furred coyote grinned broadly at her companion's suggestion of enslaving the weak, but she made a noise of slight disapproval, all the same. Even slaves must have some worth, though -- but maybe we will do those foul creatures too worthless to perform even a slave's duties a favor, too, she said, drawing a line across her throat with one finger to indicate their special treatment.

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