the sting of the whip on my shoulder
OOC: so you know Shaw would be 8 feet in optime, which makes him about 2 feet taller than this guy. There are few shaw doesn't tower over Wink Also uh he's stubborn Tongue

Shawchert turned cold blue eyes on the strange man as he spoke, slowly. He thought he was as stupid as a braindead pup... He glared at the man as he spoke. It was with a mighty accent, and his words were broken. He wasn’t from around here it seemed, and yet this man let it all happen. Shawchert thought. Even as the man spoke of taking care of his tongue Shawchert kept his mouth tightly closed. He didn’t trust this man remotely, yes the part where his tongue once was, hurt and badly, but that didn’t mean he would open his mouth to get his teeth plucked out either.

When his intentions became clear, Shawchert couldn’t help his fur from rising with anger. He wasn’t a working dog, he was a wolf, proud and true. He was one of the few pure bred grey wolves left around the area. Even this man looked as though he were made from something else. What, he didn’t know. Little did he know that the man from across the sea could have been pure bred like himself. Shawchert remained quiet, and vigilant. He wasn’t going to buckle down for no one. He moved away, though that caused him great pain. He didn’t want to be used as some stupid tool, but then... he could be treated as one, if he were useless he would be killed, and slowly as the woman who had captured him had shown him. There were so many things to do to a wolf before he cracked. He still refused his mouth open. The man would have to work for it if he expected Shawchert to work.

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