i could really use a wish right now

school post, sorry for any crappiness

The girl had contemplated and thought about claiming the roof as her own personal hang out area, but it would be certainly impolite with her low rank. At least she could share it and be alright. A floppy ear flicked as she heard a noise, a sound of a body hitting something. Standing up in a heartbeat to see what had occurred, the face she had seen was unexpected. She squinted from the roof before swinging herself to a lower level before dropping down to his level, climbing was one of her talents and she knew it. "Hadley?" She shyly grinned and walked up a few feet, "Are you alright?"  

The brown woman looked him over, happy to see no injuries that bled, she could have missed some, but hopefully there was none. He'd probably be bruised for a while, but it was better than a concussion. "You live here too? How are you liking it?" She gestured for him to walk with her, hopefully he'd accept. She could be friendly of course, but did he still remember that night with Sebastian and her?[/html]

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