Love Isn't Always Easy, But It's Always Worth It
He was cleaning the house he'd found for them. He didn't mind the caves, not at all, but he wanted to fix up a house. The caves were... well, they were small. Close quarters. Besides the den he and Taliesin had shared for a month or two, he'd never actually lived in a den before. He loved always having Ayasha's scent on him, knowing she was there for him, knowing she was listening. But there were times he wanted to... to be alone. To think, to listen. He was grumbling softly to himself as he pulled on a loose floorboard, not really complaining, but talking to himself, and to Them. The butterflies were loud today.

He paused for a moment as a nail scored his skin through his jeans. Swearing softly, he sat down on the rotting chair in the corner. As it collapsed under his weight, he leapt to his feet and grabbed the remains of the back of the chair. He swung it, snarling curses at it. As he released it, he swore loudly. Just then, he heard his mate's sweet voice. He swallowed, feeling chagrined. He made his way over his wreckage to the doorway of the house. It was a small house, one floor and three bedrooms. On the outside it was pretty, though the house could use a coat of paint, the rails of the porch needing sanded.

"Over here, Kiddo." He offered her a crooked grin, hoping she hadn't heard the swearing, but knowing she probably had.

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