reward of all my efforts
<style type="text/css">.Leon01 b {color:#FFFFFF;} .Leon01 i {color:#5f5fab;} .Leon01 i2 {color:#9da1ff;}</style> ... ontab1.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Leon was an extremely satisfied customer. He stroked his stallion's head again and the young thing snorted and huffed and rocked his head up and down a little. He didn't really know what was going on, but he didn't exactly care, either. He'd been in Amy's possession for a while, so he'd become used to her. Now he had to get used to this new fellow, who was apparently going to be his master. He could live with that. So long as the male didn't try to ride him, that is. Since Leon had already said his thanks, he simply nodded at her first words before his expression became more serious. He realized he was rather fucked if she did want him to off someone; all he could do was hope that she wasn't a monster who wanted anyone else dead. He figured maybe she'd ask him to build stuff or hunt or find things for her to trade and stuff. He'd find out when the time came. For now, he wasn't bothered as he'd gotten his new batch of critters to keep his mind off any potential bad that could come of this.

The Hughes man couldn't tell if she was happy with his offer or not, because she was terribly good at masking her emotions. He could only assume she was pleased with his willingness to do more for her. Hell, he might've ended up needing to do more anyways, because the stallion was stunning and it was likely a lot of work getting all three animals, she would've been right to ask for an increase in payment. Leon nodded at her question, shifting his stance. "Yes. AniWaya, located in Serena Reserve in the Western Tangles." He felt comfortable giving her this information because if she went there, she'd be looking for him... he didn't think she'd be stupid enough to fuck with a pack. "Where do you live? I don't smell a pack on you still." He tilted his head and lowered a hand to pet the fossa kittens in the bag at his side and once again his hand was grabbed by the one kit that was trying to suckle his fingers.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


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