you're just the best i ever had

!@#$%He shook his head from side to side: no, they hadn't lost anybody else, thankfully. "Not to them, at least. I'm not sure if the outflow of recent recruits has had anything to do with it, if that counts," he offered. The pack he had grown up in was a little different than those around 'Souls--back home, you were born there, and you tended to die there. Not many people left, even though the conditions left much to be desired. Certainly they didn't attract any newcomers. In 'Souls, things seemed to operate differently. Drifters came in all the time (maybe because they were closer to the coast?), and then they seemed to leave just as quickly. Those born in the area came and went like the tide. He wasn't 100% used to it yet.

!@#$%"Anyway, I think originally we had more members than they did. But since, they've grown in number and we've remained about constant." This information he could glean from the number of unique scents that frequented the borders of the pack, and his general knowledge about Inferni's statistics. All of this was stuff that he had told Gabriel earlier when he'd found out--but the scout was more than willing to share this information with anybody who asked or needed to know.

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